Cosmetic Dentistry


Cosmetic Dentistry

You can say so much with a smile, but your smile says so much about you as well. If your smile is bright, white, straight and whole, it conveys good health and that youthful appeal everyone is searching for. If it’s discolored, chipped, cracked or crooked, it can be impossible to want to smile under any circumstances. That’s why Dr. Lisa Mertz of LMNT Dental takes such great pleasure in providing cosmetic dentistry services to patients from Weatherford and surrounding communities. She gets to see you smile with pride and self-confidence, even if you’ve suffered with a less-than-perfect smile for years.

The cosmetic dentistry services offered at LMNT Dental include:

  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Invisalign
  • Implant Restorations
  • Crowns

Using these various cosmetic dental care procedures, we can create a smile makeover plan just for you. Dr. Mertz is an experienced cosmetic dentist who understand how to customize each procedure exactly to fit your needs. With a few visits to LMNT Dental, you can have a smile that tells the world how wonderful you are every time you show it off.